Monday, September 13, 2010

Reflections of a Changing Season

Action and reaction, ebb and flow,
trial and error, change-
this is the rhythm of living.
Out of our over-confidence, fear;
out of our fear, clearer vision,
fresh hope.
And out of hope,
-Bruce Barton


I believe the introspective process of reflecting helps the healthy individual evaluate if he or she is navigating
their correct and solid course in life. A life full blown ahead without permission to stop and reflect is a
life of frivolity. If a soul can not reflect (def. of an act, to serve to cast or bring credit/discredit on its
performer.) on their previous decisions and actions, then their is no need to proceed. You have already
cast your stone, now you are just following out the projectory. A waste of air I might add. Life is fragile, and
today is a gift. Live fully!!! If you are deep in a hole, you might just stop digging.

One last comment on reflecting. I think it is also very healthy to reflect on history. Yes, for sure you
can see I am aging. History of the world, history of the country, your family history, and your personal
history. History. I see wisdom in history. More wisdom than we might gain, in our measly years. Be open
to it... history is not of the dead, it is of living more fully in the future. Nice paradox.


All change is not growth,
As all movement is not forward.
-E. Glasgow

Any change, even a change for the better,
is always accompanied by
drawbacks and discomforts.
-A. Bennett

Change is inevitable
-except from a vending
-RC Gallagher

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